Monday — Friday 9 am – 5pm
Head Office, Debre Zeit Road(Bishoftu Road) Nifas Silk- Lafto Sub-City, Woreda 9,Saris Kadisco Group Number 1,3rd Floor, Office number 101H, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
+251 961377220

Our Story

Homa Multi Purpose Farmers Cooperative


Homa Multipurpose Farmers’ Cooperative (HMFC), briefly called Homa Coop, was founded in 1995 in Guji Zone of Oromia Region in Ethiopia. The founding


Major objective:

  • To harness resources, knowledge and labor for the betterment of the socio-economic condition of the members and environment.

  • Who We Are

  • Established in 1995 and named after the River Homa that has a vital role to the day-to-day activities of its members, Homa Coop Garden Coffee has

  • What We Do


  • Produce organic garden coffee for export and local markets.


  • Invest in community infrastructure

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    Total farmer
    Male 1589, Female 407 & Total families 12120


    Total area in Ha
    Land covered by coffee trees and ready for production 1581 Ha


    Annual production /kg


    Growing Organic %

    Our Service

    Homa Multi Purpose Farmers Cooperative

    Washed Yirgacheffe, Sidamo and Gujii

    .Yirgacheffe--------------G1 and G2
    .Sidamo-------------------G1 and G2
    .Gujii-----------------------G1 and G2


    .Yirgacheffe--------------G1 and G2
    .Sidamo-------------------G1 and G2
    .Gujii----------------------G1 and G2
    .Yirgacheffe--------G3,G4 and G5
    .Sidamo--------------G3,G4 and G5
    .Gujii-----------------G3,G4 and G5

    Special preparation

    • Washed Gujii Fogge
    • Washed Yirgacheffe Fogge
    • Natural Yirgacheffe Shara
    • Natural Gujii Shara
    • Honey Yirgacheffe Bukisa
    • Honey Gujii Bukisa

    Why Choose Us!

    Homa Multi Purpose Farmers Cooperative

    Sustainability at the heart:

  • Homa Coop practicing sustainable farming system such as agroforestry, composting, and natural pest control ensuring 100% organic coffee product supply. Homa Coop Garden Coffee uses no agro-chemicals including fertilizer and yet ensures soil health and fertility through composting and organic matter return.

    Fairtrade, direct impact:
  • Homa Coop ensures that farmers receive fair wages for their products by avoiding intermediaries and create a direct link with buyers, ensuring that every penny spent contributes directly to improving the lives of members of the Coop growing the coffee.

  • The Coop collects only the finest, hand-selected beans to ensure consistent flavor and taste in every cup served to the consumers.

    Single-origin coffee:
  • Homa Coop Garden Coffee is sourced entirely from the 2000 members’ plots of single source ensuring high traceability.

    Farmers first:
  • Homa Cooperative includes coffee farmers from regions rich in biodiversity and culture. By working together, we achieve economies of scale while ensuring that every farmer receives a fair share of the profit.

    World heritage agroforestry:
  • Garden Coffee is supplied to the global coffee lovers and promoters from the UNESCO recognized area of Gedeo for its splendid landscape and agroforestry system with a rich biodiversity.

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